06-13-2023, 03:17 AM
Ban Information
Name: grim
Reason: wall
Unban Time: Permanent Ban
Admin Name: ddr.senior
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:155 last night got banned for aim.which i clearly dont have. and now i get banned cos admin thinks i wh, which i dont. i been playing here for months im a clean player whos been playing for 15 years . i know cs assault really well. i dont need to cheat. wouldnt waste my time doing so, i like to think im a good player, so please unban and let me just play, theyre many others that do cheat but still play thx
Name: grim
Reason: wall
Unban Time: Permanent Ban
Admin Name: ddr.senior
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:155 last night got banned for aim.which i clearly dont have. and now i get banned cos admin thinks i wh, which i dont. i been playing here for months im a clean player whos been playing for 15 years . i know cs assault really well. i dont need to cheat. wouldnt waste my time doing so, i like to think im a good player, so please unban and let me just play, theyre many others that do cheat but still play thx