Please, if you can unban me because I have never played with a hack and I swear I don't even know how to install it. I have been playing for 1 year and 7-8 months only on this server. I have paid for VIP and donated to the server. If I played with a hack, I would not have give money if I knew that one day I could get caught. So I swear I have never installed it and I don't know how to install it, and most importantly, I still don't know what anti-flash is.
I swear I dont use any codes
Adyna take screenshot and told me to upload on imgur. Uploaded 4 pictures she says that there have to be 5 or 6 pictures but I dont have them. From there she says that if you have 4 pictures that means that I use codes… NEVER DOWLOADED ANYTHING and I really dont know how there are only 4 pics and she says have to be 5 or 6. Maybe there is any mistake when screenshots or I dont know