01-07-2025, 03:30 PM
Ban Information
Name: zZzZ
Reason: wall
Unban Time: Permanent Ban
Admin Name: DUNHILL!!
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:923429607
If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information to our website:
FORUM: https://demons.ro/
waiting for your demo, because if you made me record yours remotely on my pc, you wrote the .dem extension wrong, you wrote demoheader.dmf... and that format is wrong...
I NEVER used cheats nor will I ever use them, I always proved my innocence and I will always continue doing so, why didn't you capture me, do you want a wg? Whenever you give me a ban on this server, I clear my innocence and prove it....... I don't want a ban because you have spelled the namedemo.dem wrong... I hope you have it,
thx dunhill!
I'm sorry for my possible bad English, it's a translation using Google Translate, if someone speaks Spanish... the better for me
Ban Information
Name: zZzZ
Reason: wall
Unban Time: Permanent Ban
Admin Name: DUNHILL!!
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:923429607
If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information to our website:
FORUM: https://demons.ro/
waiting for your demo, because if you made me record yours remotely on my pc, you wrote the .dem extension wrong, you wrote demoheader.dmf... and that format is wrong...
I NEVER used cheats nor will I ever use them, I always proved my innocence and I will always continue doing so, why didn't you capture me, do you want a wg? Whenever you give me a ban on this server, I clear my innocence and prove it....... I don't want a ban because you have spelled the namedemo.dem wrong... I hope you have it,
thx dunhill!
I'm sorry for my possible bad English, it's a translation using Google Translate, if someone speaks Spanish... the better for me