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I'm just looking to be un-banned. There was an admin on and a few known hackers were playing and I may have told him in a not so polite way to ban the hackers. Then I was banned. Seems a little ridiculous, but I understand him being offended. My apologies and I just want to play on the server because it's fun.
All Admin does their job, but your language was not appropriate, admins have to make a demo and verify that someone has a hack...
it wasn't permanent, you can just write with u@ if someone has hack...
smile Smile)

Ban Information
Name: Cobra2212
Reason: lbj
Ban Length: 7 days
Unban Time: 5:09:23 8/13/2023

[Player HeLL] Cobra2212 : fucking hacks jesus christ
[Player HeLL] Cobra2212 : cunt ass admins dont do shit
Owner KuRamA : Use u@ to report players with cheat codes!
Player HeLL] Cobra2212 : figure it the fuck out iof youre an admin
you have 7 days ban, patience. And next time don t talk like this cause' you will receive a permanent ban . The admin was nice with you.