06-27-2023, 04:13 AM
Ban Information
Name: Tony Soprano
Reason: injurii
Ban Length: Permanent
Unban Time: 4:54:52 7/4/2023
Admin Name: KuRamA
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:619412450
The reason why I'm asking for an unban is because kurama was abusing his admin powers. He kept transferring me to CT while the teams were already balanced. I swore at him and he banned me permanently . Thats unfair and pretty harsh.
Its suppose to be a gag not a ban. Why ban me permanently for language. Its harsh and not fair. Im not looking for trouble, I just wanna play T and be left alone. Kurama didn't wanna leave me alone. He kept harassing me by transferring me to CT while the teams were already balanced. What kind of admin is that. He abused his powers.
Name: Tony Soprano
Reason: injurii
Ban Length: Permanent
Unban Time: 4:54:52 7/4/2023
Admin Name: KuRamA
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:619412450
The reason why I'm asking for an unban is because kurama was abusing his admin powers. He kept transferring me to CT while the teams were already balanced. I swore at him and he banned me permanently . Thats unfair and pretty harsh.
Its suppose to be a gag not a ban. Why ban me permanently for language. Its harsh and not fair. Im not looking for trouble, I just wanna play T and be left alone. Kurama didn't wanna leave me alone. He kept harassing me by transferring me to CT while the teams were already balanced. What kind of admin is that. He abused his powers.